Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"How to survive"

Survive-To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere. To remain functional or usable.

This morning I was getting ready to go to the gym and take my son to college so when we were getting to the car I was already sweating and all the sudden my son asked "Hey mom do you sweat a lot cause of your menopause or your high pressure?" Witch I had to respond "well cause of meno, high blood pressure and problems with my thyroid gland" Dear Lord, had to laugh out loud! Not only two but three different problems! My son told me "man I have to write a book titled How to survive your mom's menopause".....definitely never thought I would be passing this momentum! It was a funny moment that got me thinking!!

When you are raising your kids you never stop to think about how will you be at the 50+ stage, seriously never thought I would get there! Cause definitely I would of have to write my own book "How to survive a son with ADHD"  (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) "People with ADHD have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (might act without thinking about what the result will be), and in some cases, are overly active." you can try to imagine what a day with an ADHD boy would be!  My day never ended and when finally it was time to have a good night rest I would have to deal with another case in that one the book had to be titled "How to survive a Adulteress, cheating spouse!!" (sexual infidelity to one's spouse) Unbelievable! I don't even know how I survived! Well, I do...

I have to thank the Lord for his love and for his unconditional grace!  Only by the grace of God have I been able to remain functional and usable! I have been a born again Christian ever since I remember but when I got into a serious and intimate relationship with God is when I have been feeling Him carry me through all my traumas and emotional turmoils! God has been my counselor and my friend in those days that I look at myself and feel that I do not want to keep on living! He has been with me when I feel like killing someone..He stops me!! When I feel like getting into my car and driving and driving and driving to this island it is to small to get some place! He gets me up when I feel like staying all day on the couch..although sometimes I do it cause it feels good and I weigh a lot !! God promises he has a better life for me, promises good not bad for me! Only in that moment that I made mine that scripture was I able to understand that I can give him my every little detail of my life! and don't get me wrong I have all kinds of bad days, but He helps me survive them!! I have been on meds for my menopausal symptoms but still all there! Am trying natural medications but still there! But if not for His grace where would I be!!

And then another detail that the Lord sent me, specially for me! Mario!! My second husband!! He is a gentleman and respects me and lets me be just as I am!! With my hot flushes and all!! So cool!! He completes me and ignores me when I get insane...and that is so wonderful! My son laughs because he has his moments and I am paused and calmed telling him to take it easy and when I am hysterical mode he stays super calm and gets me through! So we compliment each other and that is very important for me to survive! "He inclusively passed with me the other surviving stage "Empty Nest Syndrome" ( a general feeling of loneliness that parents or guardians may feel when one or more of their children leave home; it is more common in women) and that is tough since he passed it as if it where his one kids!

And last but not least good humor makes surviving much fun and easier! You have to laugh of youself and about evryone that makes your life miserable! They will hate it and you will feel so relieved! Laughing will make you look younger and give you energy!! HaHa! It will you will see! God is funny and cool!!

Well looking back to this morning: Yes you can survive by the grace of God!! there can be lots of books and details to how to but at the end of all it is the word of God and depositing your emotions in Him is how you and I can survive our daily  issues! the Lord is always there waiting for you and me to call Him and yes, the Lord will deliver! It is not easy! It is not perfect! It is not instant insanity but He will help you throughout every step of the way! I am a true survivor that can tell you it is true, you can do it! Just let yourself  in the hands of the Lord! Persevere and you  will make it!

God has great plans for you! Love you! Blessings!

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