Thursday, June 30, 2011

You are what you thinkest!

Hey do you know that whatever you are thinking you or do not want to be that's what you end up being!! Isn't that crazy you could pass your life as a kid saying I don't want to be like my dad or mom!...and you end up being a clone of them!  You have that in your mind and continually saying it and repeating it so you prepare your mind for it!  I just learned "Each time you try to block a thought in your mind, you record it in your mind.  When you resist you reformat your mind." so if you think your a looser: you are!! if you think you are a son of God: you are!! so if you are a son of God you have to think in great things in everything good, pure, just, in the best, in that thinketh!!

Rethinking isn't easy you have to start over a blank slate and start entering good things in your mind.  Ask God for help, start reading and seeing positive things and surround yourself with positive persons; people that really lift you and see live as a gift from God!!

Rethink-redo your life!!  God has great things in line for us!  Reach out and grab it!!


Always remember: The Lord has plans for you! Great plans for you!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

"The Past"

The past is a term used to indicate the totality of events which occurred before a given point in time. The past is contrasted with and defined by the present and the future. The concept of the past is derived from the linear fashion in which human observers experience time, and is accessed through memory and recollection.”
The past leaves scars in our lives that some take more time to heal than others.  My past married life was very painful and I thought it was way past me but “Not” still working on it!!  So I thank God that He has taken me to a place that He spoke to me and said it was a place for me to heal! A place where I can worship and praise the Lord with all my heart and in a way that I always dreamed of!
God takes us places so we can come to see that He hasn’t finished with us and that the scars are still not completely healed.  My healing process has had different stages ups and downs and all sort of pain.  I need to complete my process because I have talents and gifts that the Lord wants to use so I have to be whole!
Yes my past hurts! Yes it gives me a sense of numbness! Yes I have a hurtful past! Yes I felt useless! Yes I felt low self esteem! Yes it drained me! Yes I was living someone else dream! Yes I admit I was powerless over my past! This is the first step towards our recovery! Admit it hurts! I think I have been going through all the other steps to recovery and the first one I just walked over it!

So here I am admitting to the Lord that it hurts, but my hurt is in His hands and looking forward focusing in what lies ahead! And truly I love what lies ahead! I am not perfect (never will be) ha! But I am focusing on what the Lord has in storage for me! What lies ahead is more bigger and better than the past! The past robs us of our joy, keeps us from getting to what God has destinies for us! So I am telling you my friend rise up! Leave that past behind! Confess to the Lord your hurts! Give Him your life and focus what the Lord has for you!! Focus on looking forward to what lies ahead! Focus on the beauty of life! Focus on your present and work on your future to be the best yet!
God has great plans for each of us!
Today repeat with me! Lord I give you my past and focus on my present to get a better future that you have for me!!
Receive the healing power from the Lord in Jesus name!
“No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,”
Philippians 3:13 NLT”