Thursday, June 30, 2011

You are what you thinkest!

Hey do you know that whatever you are thinking you or do not want to be that's what you end up being!! Isn't that crazy you could pass your life as a kid saying I don't want to be like my dad or mom!...and you end up being a clone of them!  You have that in your mind and continually saying it and repeating it so you prepare your mind for it!  I just learned "Each time you try to block a thought in your mind, you record it in your mind.  When you resist you reformat your mind." so if you think your a looser: you are!! if you think you are a son of God: you are!! so if you are a son of God you have to think in great things in everything good, pure, just, in the best, in that thinketh!!

Rethinking isn't easy you have to start over a blank slate and start entering good things in your mind.  Ask God for help, start reading and seeing positive things and surround yourself with positive persons; people that really lift you and see live as a gift from God!!

Rethink-redo your life!!  God has great things in line for us!  Reach out and grab it!!


Always remember: The Lord has plans for you! Great plans for you!

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