Friday, February 18, 2011

"A day of Adventure!"

"An adventure is defined as an exciting or unusual experience; it may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome. The term is often used to refer to activities with some potential for physical danger, such as skydivingmountain climbing and or participating in extreme sports."

Yesterday morning I woke up and had planed to go visit at the hospital a loved and close friend of mine and it came to me: "why not go in an adventure and walk to the hospital?" I live in a rural area Toa Alta and the Hospital San Pablo is in Downtown Bayamon looked up on Google maps its around 11.2 km around 6.83 miles.  Thought about it and told myself "why not?" do something different and take a risk do something unusual. So didn't keep thinking about it and took action! Put on comfortable clothes, packed water and some fruits and started my adventure! Why call it an adventure well I was about to do something unusual for many and decided I was going to use it for time to pray and worship the Lord!

I started my walk around 9:00 AM and the Lord gave me a beautiful, cloudy day so it was just perfect. Started praying and decided to dedicate it to my two of my friends that are fighting with breast cancer so dressed up in pink. People looked at me like "strange" I would say "good morning!" and keep on walking.  Praying every minute and started singing, (I think I looked a little crazy) "Entra en mi corazón, cambia mi pensar, cambia mi pensar no quiero ser igual" love it (come into my heart and change my thinking I don't want to be the same). I took my camera and posted pictures of my walk! So much fun for me!  Well the part that I loved best is that every-time I passed by a bar or liquor store I stopped a second and prayed "I rebuke all alcoholism and send legions of angels to fight against all the demons in Jesus name!!" o and "I rebuke all prostitution!" "Tonight no alcohol will be sold here!" and I know things are going to change in those places because I declare it in Jesus name!

Did my first stop in my first hour and refueled and kept on walking and singing another of my favorite "Jehova Nissi you reign in victory" until I finally arrived to Downtown Bayamon and decided to call my husband Mario and he thought I went crazy but I was getting close to my destiny!  Did some shopping and took some pics.  A lady that was lost and asked if I knew where to find a chinese guy "I said no don't think so, he sells liquor she said and I responded I don't drink "Señor Reprenda" I rebuke it in Jesus name" and all the sudden she disappeared! (I wonder why?) ha felt good!  Finally after 2 hrs I arrived at the Hospital and got to visit my friend Flora! She could not believe that I had gone to visit and went walking from my house to see her at the hospital! It was so cool! An awesome adventure!

God calls us to follow him and have an adventure of our lifetime! All we have to do is take the first step and do it!  I might sound crazy to some people by what I did but it was the Lord giving me a lesson! I always draw back because of fear, fear of failure, fear that limits my talents and my calling to bigger and bolder things for the Lord! All I did was take my first step and keep on walking till I got to my destination!

What was to be a simple visit to a friend came out to be a 2 hour walk that became life lesson for me.  I felt more blessed than my friend Flora, blessed by her, her mom and daughter and over all blessed by the Lord! I thank God my adventure turned out for my good! All things work for the best just have to let yourself go in the arms of the Lord that will be by your side all throughout your adventure!

My unusual experience came out to a great outcome! At this moment I declare blessings, health and victory in Jesus name to all of you my friends! In Jesus name! 

Love ya'all! Be blessed!!

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