Plan B is an alternative way to stay consistent with your goals when your regular routine (or something else) doesn’t work out as planned.
The Lord always has a plan for our lives! We all have a purpose to be on this the so called earth. Just as God had plans for the Israelites to go to the promised land He has a destination, calling or whatever for each of us. Well the plans for Israel was to get to their final destination the promised land in a couple of months! But since they were hard headed and such rebels yep it took them 40 years to get to there promised land! God had to have on hand His plan B for this hard headed nation to finally get the promised land and not all arrived!!!
Last week we were planning our womens prayer meeting and in the house we were planing to visit the anfitriona got sick and had to be hospitalized, one of the girls asked but what are we going to do and I just answered I already had a plan B on its way.
The Lord always has plans for our lives and sometimes we do not wait or just let go of His plans for our life. We do the opposite of what He has deposited in us and our lives take a different rout! Well He loves us so much that He goes on ahead with Plan B so we will get to see our purpose in life being met!
I don't know what plan I'm running on but I sure know I'm getting to my purpose to my destination to what was my dream! I'm going back to the University to make my degree in psychology ! I'm so stocked , super happy and feel so different! I went to my University in Arecibo and started the process of getting my transcript because I will be accepted as a transfer, and I studied 30 yrs ago!! Ain't that great! I feel like crying that I am right now, laughing, dancing and nervouse all. At the same time!
The Lord has given me an opportunity for His plans and His purpose be completed in me!! I don't know witch Plan He's on me now maybe plan X but He will. See His purpose being met in me!
Dios nos libra de todo lo que puede hacer que sus planes se cumplan en nuestras VIDAS.
We can go far away from His presence but He does whatever it takes and then comes plan B. in the mist of our defeat He presents us His plan B in a blink of an eye!
We have To open our minds and activate His plan. Give The Lord a chance to work His strategic plan on you today!
Always remember God has great plans for you, plans for peace, not disaster! Search Him with all your heart and you will see His Plan A, B or C or even Z to stay consistent with His plans for you!
I'm blessed! Love ya all!!
Ps...the University is 5 min from my apartment!! Haleluyar!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Hot flush day!
Hot flash! " Hot flashes, a common symptom of menopause and perimenopause, are typically experienced as a feeling of intense heat with sweating and rapid heartbeat, and may typically last from two to thirty minutes for each occurrence. The sensation of heat usually begins in the face or chest, although it may appear elsewhere such as the back of the neck, and it can spread throughout the whole body. Some women feel as if they are going to faint. In addition to being an internal sensation, the surface of the skin, especially on the face, becomes hot to the touch. This is the origin of the alternative term "hot flush", since the sensation of heat is often accompanied by visible reddening of the face."
Today I tried to get out and run some errands, yep run cause man all the sudden my bff came Hot flushes!! Yep it flushes my brain out!! Just as I finish taking a bath with "cold"water, ell it says cold but here in the tropics there is no such thing as cold! I start my flushing period! Those hot flashes come more speedy than a bullet!! I get all sweaty and everything I try on makes me flush more!! All the menopausal dwarfs visit me at the same time!! hat is when I definitely say God is not a women! Just imagine Him with all the meno symptoms at the same time! Not a good idea!!
I heard a Christian speaker once say that thank God, Moses and God were not mad at the Israelites at the same time! They would of extinguished that generation till the end! So that is how it is to have a hot flash moment!! If you had the capacity you would eliminate humanity or at least those close to you! When I feel that hotness coming up to my body I feel like I am in war! Well I looked for the most comfortable clothes I could find, no make up cause all the sweat makes it worse and off I go! Not the nicest looking person on the street all sweaty and my hair dripping but did all my errands almost killed one not so nice mailman but succeeded and only gave him the "look".
Its hard to be menopause and hypothyroid at the same time! Don't know which one is worse! But it must be harder been God at a time like this! Things are very hot these days! There are wars and rumors of wars! People killing any one on the street! Violence, rape, incest, robbery, killings, you just do not feel safe and secure! But we have the promises from God that He will be with us till the end! He gives us hope and cools our spirit with His loving Holy Spirit! Thank God his mercy endures forever! When we come to Him in prayer He refreshes our soul and uplifts our spirit! He can make those hot flashes feel cool and welcoming when we hang on to His presence! He changes everything and makes it bearable! Isn't my God so awesome!! He refreshes and uplifts my life!! And He can do it to you also just give Him your life and you will see changes!
God always wants the best for you!! He always has plans of good for your life! Accept Him and give Him the authority to spread throughout your hole body! He"ll refresh your spirit and uplift your soul! God bless you and guid you always! God is the best!!
Today I tried to get out and run some errands, yep run cause man all the sudden my bff came Hot flushes!! Yep it flushes my brain out!! Just as I finish taking a bath with "cold"water, ell it says cold but here in the tropics there is no such thing as cold! I start my flushing period! Those hot flashes come more speedy than a bullet!! I get all sweaty and everything I try on makes me flush more!! All the menopausal dwarfs visit me at the same time!! hat is when I definitely say God is not a women! Just imagine Him with all the meno symptoms at the same time! Not a good idea!!
I heard a Christian speaker once say that thank God, Moses and God were not mad at the Israelites at the same time! They would of extinguished that generation till the end! So that is how it is to have a hot flash moment!! If you had the capacity you would eliminate humanity or at least those close to you! When I feel that hotness coming up to my body I feel like I am in war! Well I looked for the most comfortable clothes I could find, no make up cause all the sweat makes it worse and off I go! Not the nicest looking person on the street all sweaty and my hair dripping but did all my errands almost killed one not so nice mailman but succeeded and only gave him the "look".
Its hard to be menopause and hypothyroid at the same time! Don't know which one is worse! But it must be harder been God at a time like this! Things are very hot these days! There are wars and rumors of wars! People killing any one on the street! Violence, rape, incest, robbery, killings, you just do not feel safe and secure! But we have the promises from God that He will be with us till the end! He gives us hope and cools our spirit with His loving Holy Spirit! Thank God his mercy endures forever! When we come to Him in prayer He refreshes our soul and uplifts our spirit! He can make those hot flashes feel cool and welcoming when we hang on to His presence! He changes everything and makes it bearable! Isn't my God so awesome!! He refreshes and uplifts my life!! And He can do it to you also just give Him your life and you will see changes!
God always wants the best for you!! He always has plans of good for your life! Accept Him and give Him the authority to spread throughout your hole body! He"ll refresh your spirit and uplift your soul! God bless you and guid you always! God is the best!!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Spring Cleaning 2013!!!!
Psalms 51.10 (NIV) Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
I've been part of a "Spring Cleaning Challenge" reading and meditating in God's word. Man can we accumulate junk in our house in one year even in six month!! We say we are going to use something later on and we just put it away and pile it up!! Been learning with this and other challenges that your home reflects who you are, and yes it reflects God! That was one of the questions she asked "Does your home reflect God?" Our God is a God of order! No chaos in His vocabulary! Jesus even took time to fold His sheets when He was Risen from the tomb (John 20.7)! Wow! I had to look retrospective into my life and meditate on it!..does my home reflect God? Does your home reflect God?
I had a Psychiatrist who told me once that when a person was depressed it as hard for them to go into their closet and clean it up! Well yes it is cause their is chaos in your mind and you feel lazy and not in the mood in other things! Well Mario and I moved into our own apartment on December 2012 (thank God!!!). An apartment that I had asked The Lord for. Two bedrooms cause now we are only a household of two. We did all the moving and placed as I was able cause I was too sick, but their was a room that we just left all the boxes there. O we'll get to it we said! I think we passed a couple months avoiding the room till finally on march I looked at Mario and we decided hey we are in a depression here for what? for a empty next syndrome? No way! We might be losing our heads but that doesn't mean we have to get depressed here! What the heck?! Our son is getting married and finally we are getting rid of him!! Lets live!! In one day we cleaned up!! Placed everything where I wanted, cause it's always where I want it, and yes! A beautiful office space was born! Aww an office with air conditioning and so peaceful I just love!
You can pray Lord creat in me a clean heart but you have to do all the working for it! Jesus took His time and folded each sheet and came out from the grave to do His job! You got to move take your time if necessary and go from chaos to calm! Come on step out of your tomb!! Do your Spring Cleaning! Look around, does your home reflect God? Best of all does your life reflect God? Choose life! Awww Spring cleaning is so awesome!!
Always remember God wants the best for you! Move towards your best always!! Many blessings to you my dear!!
I've been part of a "Spring Cleaning Challenge" reading and meditating in God's word. Man can we accumulate junk in our house in one year even in six month!! We say we are going to use something later on and we just put it away and pile it up!! Been learning with this and other challenges that your home reflects who you are, and yes it reflects God! That was one of the questions she asked "Does your home reflect God?" Our God is a God of order! No chaos in His vocabulary! Jesus even took time to fold His sheets when He was Risen from the tomb (John 20.7)! Wow! I had to look retrospective into my life and meditate on it!..does my home reflect God? Does your home reflect God?
I had a Psychiatrist who told me once that when a person was depressed it as hard for them to go into their closet and clean it up! Well yes it is cause their is chaos in your mind and you feel lazy and not in the mood in other things! Well Mario and I moved into our own apartment on December 2012 (thank God!!!). An apartment that I had asked The Lord for. Two bedrooms cause now we are only a household of two. We did all the moving and placed as I was able cause I was too sick, but their was a room that we just left all the boxes there. O we'll get to it we said! I think we passed a couple months avoiding the room till finally on march I looked at Mario and we decided hey we are in a depression here for what? for a empty next syndrome? No way! We might be losing our heads but that doesn't mean we have to get depressed here! What the heck?! Our son is getting married and finally we are getting rid of him!! Lets live!! In one day we cleaned up!! Placed everything where I wanted, cause it's always where I want it, and yes! A beautiful office space was born! Aww an office with air conditioning and so peaceful I just love!
You can pray Lord creat in me a clean heart but you have to do all the working for it! Jesus took His time and folded each sheet and came out from the grave to do His job! You got to move take your time if necessary and go from chaos to calm! Come on step out of your tomb!! Do your Spring Cleaning! Look around, does your home reflect God? Best of all does your life reflect God? Choose life! Awww Spring cleaning is so awesome!!
Always remember God wants the best for you! Move towards your best always!! Many blessings to you my dear!!
Monday, April 1, 2013
From my desk with love!
We all make New Years resolutions! Yep all of us do! 97% of the resolutions do not go through! We all get lazy, tie up in life and never make the a reality! This 2013 I didn't write any. I was sick and felt ugh so what for? Well definitely got my year starting out as one of the 3% that'd something about it! The first great one is that I finally got to meat my cousin's son Lui! Awesome kid! Awesome time!! Family is just great!! Specially when you are 54 and feeling it!! You start feeling something different!
I went to my first 10k of the year, although didn't practice much, cause yes I was feeling sick, I decided to do it! Thanks to some recomendations from my cousin Dr. Carlos Gabriel I was able to walk a bit faster and make a better time!Oh and was able to invite a good friend and see her have fun on her first 10k!! Proud of you Ivy!! Went, walked and conquored!! Yess!
This year also did something I had never done! I am an avid Women's rghts advocate! believe we are capable of everything we can put our hands and succeed!! I'm against domestic violence!!! of any kind!! My husband Mario says if I would of ben young adult in the 70s I would of been in the movement specially throwing out the bras!! (I hate to use bras) And yep I would of!! So God definitely knows best and places us in different eras! Gosh! Well went to my first march! It wasn't nothing violent or miss behaved in any way! It was a beautiful march made by beautiful women sending out the powerful word of God to those in need! Too bad other women didn't participate! It was awesome! Only one friend of mine went and I felt super cause of her! Thanks Maritza you did good!!!
One great change has been going to find a church where I would feel comfortable in the worship and receive good word from The Lord! We had not gone for two months to any church, while I was in the hospital did not receive from the small church that we were going not even a call. I felt bad and lonely about it! So when all was a bit better I told Mario we are going to go to this church and we did! Felt awesome since the moment we arrived!! Love the worship team and felt good to se the pastor worship and dance to The Lord in spirit and truth!
Oh and finally yep something changed in my life these past days!! My son Carlos Ivan got married!! Yep I couldn't go to be with him neither families did but he married his beautiful girlfriend!! So isn't that nice!! What else can a mom say!! My son is a married man!! A simple wedding at the court house and I know they were beautiful cause he is a fine looking man! (He looks like his mom) . My advise to him: Finish studying or I will kill you!! Well at least I hope that will get into his system!!
And finally I got my work space ready for me!! My daughter says what work? You don't do nothing? Well ya maybe some people say that of me but my husband tells me ignore them! You have what you deserve!! Time for you!! Time to dedicate to your ministry!! He is the one that pays so I am starting to love this time of my life!
Through all this I got depressed and although I encourage everyone to exercise I wasn't doing none and eating just for relax my self so yes........drum role..........I gained 15 pounds!! So finally The Lord has finished speaking to me and yelling cause I am deaf that yes His plans are for me too! Yes He will come through!! and Yes I can do it!!
So this is what I've been up to now!! 2013 up to now has bought me some little changes that will become bigger and greater in my life! God gives us different life changing experience in witch we either embrace have fun and join the ride or make ourselves miserable and ugly for the rest of the available time! Its up to you to choose death or life!! I decided to choose life! I have decided to follow Jesus plan for me!!I've decided to embrace Him!I've decided to start a new exercise regimen and try not to over eat, that's my bad. I do need more friends who as I do to them will be in my life to pray for me and to encourage me! I think I need some!
Today all comes from the deep of my heart with all my emotions desde mi escritorio! From my work desk to you with love and blessings! Truly yours, Evelyn
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
The Meno moments!!
I guess Im the forever group!Yep been a long time that I've been with these symptoms!
Let me see witch one is the most inspiring? ........Well truly all are a part of m know! I live in a Tropical Island and those hot flashes never leave me alone!! I can be doing any thing and all the suddenly I feel the hotness coming over me!! Well I am a hot babe!! But the flashes that are not flashGordon really hit me bad!! About 75 to 85% of American women are estimated to get them during menopause. For me it is like an roller coaster ride!! Yippie!! All because I was operated having an hysterectomy!! Wow!! My doctor told me: dear this never ends!! OMG! I cried!! Well there manifest the other symptom!! Mood swings!! Those are really crazy days!! I could just start crying for any thing!! And all of the sudden my memory gets lost!! My mind turns blank!! Creating mental confusions! disorientation!! Panic! Irritably! Sleep disorders! Weight gain! Hair loss! Loss of balance!! Bloated! Depression! Ansiety!! OMG!! sometimes all a once!! I become a mess!
And all the sudden your husband comes up to you and says: hunny what's wrong with you? Yep! Been there! I do! I feel like killing him! But I laugh at all that and manifest another symptom, incontinence!! I laugh, I pee!! In that order!!
Well you see it's important to understand our bodies and what we go through as women. We need to educate our families or ese you will be living in constant hell! And he Lord does not want that for you! Rest in The Lord, seek Him and you will find a beter understanding of your moments and will be able to delight yourself in those moments! Menapause will come to your life for a visit maybe a short one maybe long one! Got to to get yourself ready for it to be a joy ride!!
Delight yourself in The Lord!! Psalms 37.4 And those Meno moments will pass by more faster than light!! So girl don't kill any one! Have a great time with yourself and other girlfriends that are going through the same!! Read about your symptoms and recognize them! Remember we were created by God and He always wants the best for you!! Happy Meno moments to you!! Blessed!!
Monday, March 11, 2013
An answered prayer!
Prayer is a communication with God. I love those special moments with my Lord! A couple years ago after having a big apartment we sold it cause we needed to be more closer to our work and cause my son made us know how much he hated we taking him far from the metropolitan area so we sold! As soon as my son left than my daughter I started dreaming and telling my husband Mario that I wanted to down size, I wanted an apartment like my parents, two rooms one or two baths, but walking distance to all, sounded impossible so we got use to our three room apartment. I kind of blocked it for a wile but it was somewhere in my dreams!
God always has greater plans in store for us, so The Lord took control of the just like that He wanted us to from Ur of the Chaldeans to our promise land and we came to the point where we felt comfortable right in the middle of our journey and stayed stuck in what we felt was ok an apartment paying rent and a church we thought was it. God let strange things pass that we now know it was Him. First of all the apartments above ours started filtering water and got a bad case of fungus in our ceilings and I started getting even badder allergies. Mario looked at me one night and told me I think God is pushing us from here! Lets look for an apartment to move! Yesss! But wait, Mario's credit was damaged by his sons! Humm well as soon as we started we prayed and yes indeed The Lord helped us in the process of cleaning Mario's credit. Well the next step a budget and we were approved exactly what I budgeted! Next the apartment! Where would we find the one! Got into the Internet and started looking, all the ones that were in the budget were just taken till we were sent by our realtor to see one near the downtown area, this was three bedrooms and one and half bat, we entered but felt cramped and didn't feel convinced. In Puerto Rico an din Bayamon there are few two bed apartments. Soo went home but didn't give up we found a two room just come up and in the same area, well sure enough went the next da. Awesome it was in the third and last floor and yes as soon as I entered I fell in love, specially the. big air conditioning unit! Aww for me it's way important! My hot flushes are daily!! UFfff! The rest The Lord helped in every way! On December 2012 we finally had our apartment! We received the help for our closing cost from the federal government!! Walking distance to everything including malls! Quiet area! Corner! Open concept! Just as asked for! What more can a girl ask for? God delivers!
Well yes we say God all the way threw it and learned that we had not been in our promised land! God sometimes has to take us from our comfort zone the middle of our journey shake us and push us to
our true destiny! Well what I learned: when you ask God for something be specific and detailed, don't conform with mediocrity God always has the best for us! Keep on praying and expecting the best that comes from The Lord!! Man God is good!! Love you all and praying for you today! Blessed!!
God always has greater plans in store for us, so The Lord took control of the just like that He wanted us to from Ur of the Chaldeans to our promise land and we came to the point where we felt comfortable right in the middle of our journey and stayed stuck in what we felt was ok an apartment paying rent and a church we thought was it. God let strange things pass that we now know it was Him. First of all the apartments above ours started filtering water and got a bad case of fungus in our ceilings and I started getting even badder allergies. Mario looked at me one night and told me I think God is pushing us from here! Lets look for an apartment to move! Yesss! But wait, Mario's credit was damaged by his sons! Humm well as soon as we started we prayed and yes indeed The Lord helped us in the process of cleaning Mario's credit. Well the next step a budget and we were approved exactly what I budgeted! Next the apartment! Where would we find the one! Got into the Internet and started looking, all the ones that were in the budget were just taken till we were sent by our realtor to see one near the downtown area, this was three bedrooms and one and half bat, we entered but felt cramped and didn't feel convinced. In Puerto Rico an din Bayamon there are few two bed apartments. Soo went home but didn't give up we found a two room just come up and in the same area, well sure enough went the next da. Awesome it was in the third and last floor and yes as soon as I entered I fell in love, specially the. big air conditioning unit! Aww for me it's way important! My hot flushes are daily!! UFfff! The rest The Lord helped in every way! On December 2012 we finally had our apartment! We received the help for our closing cost from the federal government!! Walking distance to everything including malls! Quiet area! Corner! Open concept! Just as asked for! What more can a girl ask for? God delivers!
Well yes we say God all the way threw it and learned that we had not been in our promised land! God sometimes has to take us from our comfort zone the middle of our journey shake us and push us to
our true destiny! Well what I learned: when you ask God for something be specific and detailed, don't conform with mediocrity God always has the best for us! Keep on praying and expecting the best that comes from The Lord!! Man God is good!! Love you all and praying for you today! Blessed!!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Just as I am
Personality is the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. Different personality theorists present their own definitions of the word based on their theoretical positions. Psychologists such as Freud, and Erickson have attempted to come up with personality theories.
Well it has been an exhausted 2012 full of health issues that I never thought of having to confront. Well you might know you have to get old some way or another its that some of us don't recognize it! Today I recognize various thing in my life that I can be bossy, bitchy and hyper! I confess yes I am but guess what it comes with my personality!
Being me is not easy! Gosh can someone get to understand that? I learned one day that I was what was known as sanguine as I read the book "Personality Plus" by Florence Littauer and others. Now they have changed the names but all the same! I'm kinda insane! Been in therapy, cried , frustrated and depressed because of all my negative personality traits until one day The Lord told me in a whisper "I love you just as you are" such beautiful word got into my heart and emotions and The Lord himself has helped me understand how valuable I am in His hands!!
I love The Lord God more than everything in my life and these last two months of the past year where very difficult for me. Went to the hospital, the worse by the way had to be there for five days and then in December right by Christmas I got the shingles!!! Ugh ( chicken pox virus) well The
Lord had something in hand for Mario and me , we got our own little apartment just as I asked God years ago, two bedrooms, walking distance to downtown!!
Yes there was something greater in store for our lives!! God knows me very well and knows that my personality is way too fun and that is what I decided to do!
Had fun in the hospital! Even though everything was gloomy!
Than came the shingles! (I thought you had to be older) but guess I'm old! Ha that I forgot! But one thing I know God was and is in full control!!
But in all times I will Praise and worship you Lord!! Thank ya God cause I know you love me just as I am!! Shingles, crazy ,loud, huggable , lovable and all!!!
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