Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Balance-A desirable point between two or more opposite forces.
Harmony- a state in which various parts form a satisfying and harmonious whole and nothing is out of proportion or unduly emphasized at the expense of the rest
Emotional Stability- a state of emotional and mental stability in which somebody is calm and able to make rational decisions and judgments

Today I took yoga class after arriving late to the gym because one of my car’s front wheels was damaged so kind of stressed me so there I was at my yoga class trying to calm down. Studies have shown yoga has many health benefits, including increased flexibility and strength and reduced stressit is  a mental discipline.  I like it because I feel relaxed and it has helped me improve my flexibility in other routines I do.

Well, while meditating  I just come in contact with the Lord and have my own spiritual journey!  It is so unique to see how people could have different opinions about practicing yoga I just find it to be a great moment for me to be connected with the Lord! How many times you are so busy and don’t take a minute or so to connect with God! Tell me, how many times? I just go to the gym and spend my time in public with the Lord! Cool hu!  Today in my mind I was just thinking that so many stress and moments we just don’t take time for Him. Estar en la presencia de Dios es un momento tan precioso e intimo y en mi clase de yoga tengo esa oportunidad! Brutal! 

Lo espiritual y lo físico tienen que estar en perfecta armonía para poder lidiar con las situaciones diarias de la vida.  

Balance is the key to everything in life.  When you have balance between your body and soul you feel you can do much more than when not balanced.  You have stability. But when you are in balance with God wow more than amazing! Ever since I have been on my journey to lose weight I have taken it to the level of practicing the balance of my body and my soul.  It takes time but the results are amazing! We are God’s temple our body is His and He gave it to us to administrate it! We get lazy and start eating junk food and then we get sick and tired and all it is bad administration so we end up sick and fat or fat and sick it’s the same!  When we get a perfect balance we eat right, sleep right, do exercises, feel great and overall in perfect health, but we just love to mistreat ourselves to get out of the right track.  

I love the Lord and feel it is about time to reclaim His promises and His plans that He always has had for me! The past is gone I gave it to Him! The present is taking place and the future is in His hands!

Necesito balancear mi vida para así estar lista para lo que me espera! Para lo que Dios esta poniendo en mis manos hacer! Es en grande y tengo que estar en “shape” para hacer todo lo que voy a estar haciendo!

Need balance in my life! God has plans for me and I need to be in shape to do all that is required of me!

Look for the perfect balance of the Lord! It is the best investment you can do for yourself!

Be Blessed! Bendecidos!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle

Habits are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously, without one being conscious about them. Habitual behavior often goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting it, because a person does not need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks. Habituation is an extremely simple form of learning, in which an organism, after a period of exposure to a stimulus, stops responding to that stimulus in varied manners. Habits are sometimes compulsory.

A bad habit is a negative behavior pattern. Common examples include: procrastination, fidgeting, overspending, and overeating.

This morning I changed one of my routine I was reading a book by John C. Maxwell “Put Your Dream to the Test”. It has been life changing to me to get hold of the book and the handbook. Today it was about Habits he writes “psychologist estimate that up to 90 percent of people’s behavior is habitual”.  We do the same over and over and truly a lot of our habits are bad habits.  

¡Somos criaturas de hábitos! ¡Hacemos lo mismo una y otra vez! ¡La mayoría son malos hábitos!

We can change those bad habits!  Even small changes con make a difference in our lives.  I am changing slowly but constant my calorie intake, this has been difficult because I love to eat! I love junk food and that is truly a bad habit! Doing more exercises, no TV (well had to I do not have a TV right now!) so in a way it has helped me.  Got to read the Bible in 90 days and it has been very fulfilling!

The experts say it take from 21 to 30 days to change a bad habit for a good and productive one. They even make some recommendations like: Become aware of your bad habit, You have to want to change, Commitment, Consistent action, Perseverance, Keep it simple.  These are the experts talking and I just add Trust the Lord! Yes! This has been the key for me! Trust the Lord! When I am in my spinning class that really is tough and I feel like I am going to give up; I trust in the Lord! I close my eyes and call upon His promises and repeat to myself “metamorphosis!” and take another breath and wow!  I can finish my routine!

¡Se puede romper con los malos hábitos! ¡Sigue cambiando para bien!  ¡Sobre todo confía en el Señor! ¡El tiene grandes planes para ti y para mi!!!!

You can change your bad habits! Keep on changing for your good! Trust in the Lord! He has great plans for you an me!

Bendecidos! Be Blessed!!

Pss. Lost 1 pound this week! Yay for me!! 

Monday, May 17, 2010


Plateau-A period or state of little or no growth or decline: to reach a plateau in one's career.
Diet Plateau: This is a stage when you are likely to feel the weight no longer coming off. This is termed as reaching or hitting a plateau. A stage when you are neither losing nor gaining weight. In all probability, it is not an uncommon occurrence. It is a very common occurrence prone to happen at some point or other with almost everyone who is on a diet.

Definitely that is how I am felling in this stage of my life changing steps on a diet plateau.  I have been counting my total calories intake on a daily basis, doing tons of exercises, weight training, spinning even 30 minutes of jogging.  I have lost 14 pounds but been in that number for more than 2 weeks well I’m not going to stop, I will not give up!  

Life plateau-a stage when you feel you are not achieving anything in your life when you feel you just got hit by a big wall in front of you!  You are neither feeling accomplished or getting anywhere in life. Many times we wake up and ask ourselves: What am I doing here? What about my dreams? My life?...well dare to tell you Life Plateau! Definitely I have been here! Where am I going? Where is my life heading?  I will not give up! I will not stop!

God plateau-when you don’t feel His presence, can’t hear anything coming from God. We scream God you forgot me! Where are you? Where are your promises? Definitely been in this plateau!

But in the mist of all these plateaus I got great news even for me!! It is not a permanent phenomenon! But, a temporary situation!  Isn’t that great news!! All I have to do is make some changes some adjustments! Change routine, calories intake, eat differently, etc. Make life changes! Read more, exercise, work in something you are passion about, change friends, do a makeover all positive things you can imagine! Take time to pray alone and in a quiet room, listen yes shut up and listen to God! Read the Bible, read inspirational books, etc. Just do some changes in al the aspects of your life and little by little you will see how those changes will help you succeed towards obtaining your goal!

So looks like I have to keep on working on my workout and never give up on the plans that the Lord has for me! Don’t you give up on the plans the Lord has for you!

No te des nunca por vencida en los planes que Dios tiene para ti!


Sunday, May 16, 2010



  1. Biology. A profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.
  2. Any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.

A change in appearance, character and circumstances is what I am working on with God as my guide! These days have been of hard work for me because I am trying to loose weight and it has not been an easy task. God promised a complete change in my life a transformation and I believe it has to be in every aspect of my life.

For a women to feel complete it has to be in a balance physical, financial and spiritually way. When all these aspects are fulfilled all the rest flows well at least that is how I truly feel. I need to be in a good physical state of mind in a better health than I am at this moment to keep working on the other aspects of my life changing journey!

Necesito estar en perfecta armonía tanto físicamente, espiritualmente y financiera-mente. Para eso estoy trabajando duro para poder rebajar y completar mi transformación total. Se empieza con un paso a la vez luego se sigue el proceso de cambio.

Dios siempre tiene los mejores pensamientos para nuestras vidas esta en nosotras creerle a El y continuar!

God always has great plans for us, all we need to do is believe in Him and continue. So thus does my journey begin!!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

The first day!


Today I finally started my blog! I am supposed to write my thoughts!
What can I say for now it's is quiet difficult at the moment but I know everything will flow!

God has given me a dream in full action at this stage of my life! I have been retarding my life and seen so many people pass by but I know this is my moment!

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

God always has great plans for us we just choose the wrong path and the wrong crowd to be with!

So my first day well thank God for his love and his promises to prosper me and each one of you in everything!

Be blessed!