Friday, December 17, 2010
"A lesson from Dexter the TV drama"
Well I am a fan of Dexter, never thought I would be but just got hooked on it. Started hooked last year and this year even got in touch with my other FB childhood friend that would send me a resume of the episode till my cousin told me a link to watch it the next day. My husband bout me the 1st season and he also got hooked.
Well to the point, this season was very tense and interesting he became attached to Lumen a women who he saved from being killed but had various issues of her own. You see she was raped and being held prisoner to be killed by her rapists. Truly a very hard situation, I do not know how a raped person would feel but it I went to a conference that the speaker referred to it as "Asesinato del alma" "Murder of the soul" and that stuck. I imagine the pain and the terror and all the stages that person goes through. Lumen was very overwhelmed and destroyed when Dexter finds her. He teaches her how to kill and together they hunt down each one of the men that were involved in her rape and kill them! By the way she really needed counseling an intervention but that is not the point.
The true moment after all that Lumen and Dexter been through came when they finally had the author and the bully of the group of rapist. There they were he finally was rapped up ready for the "killing", I always close my eyes and in that precise moment when Lumen (the rape victim) takes the knife and kills her rapist, the final one I looked and ugh it was so fast but something came to my attention, Lumen's face! Her gesture, her relief sigh..I cried and still do in that part and the following minutes. She had done something she needed to do kill that person that made her suffer so much! Believe me I am not seeing it in that literal way, that person was eliminated from her life! No more pain! In that moment she was free!
I saw it in the spiritual rem when we finally get too that point, that moment when we let go and it doesn't hurt no more, that is the way I saw it! She had her breakthrough!! She was ready to go back home and be the person she was destined to be: a stronger women!
How many of us in this moment haven't let go and still holding on to those things that hurt, that makes our lives miserable and does not let us get our Breakthrough!! Lumen didn't go through the proper channels she had help from a psychopath, but you can receive help from the best, you can receive help from the Lord! and yes I truly encourage help from a professionally trained Counselor, Therapist, Pastor or any other medical expert. We need our breakthrough to get to the other level in our lives! We need inner healing of our souls!
Fight for your Breakthrough! Don't be slave of that person, persons that made you suffer! Don't hang in to your past! Let it go! Don't be miserable! My God love yourself! Kill that in your heart! in your mind! "Sueltalo!!" "Dejalo ir!!" "Entregalo a Dios!" y el hara!"" Let it go! Release it!! Give it to God now!! He will do it! He will give you peace, joy and your freedom!
Always remember: God wants the best for you and for me! Receive the peace of God! I declare spiritual and physical healing in Jesus name! (Isaiah 53.5) Amen!
Love you and ya I'll keep on watching Dex who knows what other lesson he'll give me!...
Receive the blessing of the Lord!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
"Writer's blah"
I haven't been creative this past month kind of got into that "blah" moment. Last month was a very intense month for me had too many negative emotions and obstacles to deal with that truly minded my creativity. I just had to look for the moment that it became more manageable and really felt like writing again.
Well finally felt like expressing myself! Uuf man it is a little difficult but necessary for me at this moment! You see "blah" moments come from stress, depression or boredom.
What I have learned is that stress leads to depression and leads to boredom all at once. There are moments that you want to get inside of a person and change them and do things the right way so definitely that leads to "stress". As a mom I forget that I can"t do that, I can not get into my kids mind and change there attitude! Not even God does that to us. God lets you and me decide if you want to be miserable or not! He gave us free will so either I can be miserable or not! Cool ha! I thank God for a special friend that I have been in touch through Facebook these days that helped me out in my situation dealing with my kids situation. She gave me truly good word of wisdom. So funny I know her since very young, I used to fight alot with her and now she is my counselor. And then came other stressful moment for me to see people that just leave and take for granted the calling of the Lord in there lives and simply think they are doing right and don't even take a moment to think that their decision is not effecting others so unreal moment for me! ! So definitely I got a littles stressed, depressed and bored!
So funny I just had to deal with those moments and keep on but I let it make me have a "blah" moment! I wonder has God ever have a "blah" moment in our lives? You know what? I think He has!!! I think He 's gotten bored on hearing the same coming out of our mouths! O Lord this situation! but we do not let Him do His job! Really if I were God I would get bored! Thank God I am not God!! Haha!
All I had to do is let go! Not easy when your children are involved but hey our parents let us go! But noooo we love to keep hanging on to them! Let her go!
The other situation well it's time I finally learn to handle is never put your vision and trust in man. Men offer lots of different alternatives that sometime sound just great and ideal but truly are not! So I decided to go back to basics! God is in control no matter what men can offer and declare that is making the difference. The Lord opened a door for me and I just decided I am going ahead and move forward! and you know what? Feels good!! I decided to take the leap and not question the Lord no more!
"Blah" moments will come and go! It all depends on you and me if it is going to be for a wile or for long it's in your hands. You will be miserable or you will be great! It's up to you!
The Lord has great plans for our lives! Plans of welfare and not calamity! Plans to prosper you not to harm you! Plans for good and not for disaster! Thoughts of peace and not of evil! Plans to give you a hope and a future!
Blessed be the name of the Lord!! Love ya'all
Monday, October 18, 2010
Finally could make it! Here I am try to bring my thoughts after an experience a couple weeks ago!
I was assigned the task of preparing a one day Woman's Retreat at the church where I go with my husband Mario. Not an easy one but I finally got to the making of the retreat. Even was one of the speakers! That was quiet an experience for me! First time in charge and first time as a speaker! Cool!
Definitely it is a life changing experience when you are the one organizing and speaking in an event it was simple but you always want to give your best, (at least I do) specially if it's to reach out to woman in behalf of the Lord.
God gave me words of wisdom and I was able to deliver my best. Now I can say that all the hard work and sweat and tears were worth it just as different women came to me and told "me that word was for me" "I passed through that same situation" those words make you feel that truly God is in control and knows the needs.
When you see the finished work of your labor definitely feels so good! I just can't stop imagining how is God looking at His work in progress! This retreat passed and I felt it was a victory even though not all the women that were invited assisted. I felt like the Lord does when only one person comes back and thanks Him for what He has done for him. Joyful!
I thank God for what He has been doing with me and all that I have been going through! He has big plans for me and promises to be with me in every step of the way!
Always remember that the Lord has plans for the best for you and for me! Your pain will go and your life will change and if your trust in the Lord your change will be for the best! Better things will come and after they come you will sit down and look back and say "It was worth it!" Your afterthoughts will bring a smile to your face and an ahh moment to your life!
Be blessed dear friend and expect the best form the Lord always! Gozas del Favor de Dios!!
Love ya'all!!
Thank you Mario for your unconditional love and support! Blessed!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Gasoline to the soul
Yes I truly needed this like gasoline to my soul! So all you beautiful friends remember: God loves you just as you are! Don't change! Keep up the good work He is doing on you!
God always has good words for us that serve as a catalyst and gasoline to our soul!
Be blessed!
For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Jeremiah 29:11 (New Living Translation)
Friday, September 3, 2010
This week while doing my spinning exercises the instructor shouted that he wanted us on a rhythm and follow it so we could get to a better peak in the class. I tried to keep up with the music he puts but truly not always I can make it! I was there in the class thinking "man God does that with our lives!".
God has a rhythm so special of Him. He gives us promises and takes His time to answer and we have another pace, we want things fast, now!..well at least I am that way! I know I am desperate when it comes to waiting on the Lord! but on the other hand He gives us a promise and delivers it so fast we don't have even time to notice it coming it just starts and keeps on! Wow that we truly love! His ways are mysterious to us but are the best for us at the end! It brings out the best in our lives!
El ritmo de Dios muchas veces no es el ritmo de nosotras!
Spinning class is sometimes so hard and you feel so tired and you sweat alot but at the end you have great results for you! Up, down, fast, slow but at the end you have obtained weight loss and better health.
The same with God! Up one day, down another, slowww in receiving, fast answers, hard, sweaty, tearful, but in the end the results are a completely transformed Women of God!
Habakkuk 2.3 (The Message)...If it seems slow in coming, wait. It's on its way. It will come right on time.
Isaiah 40.31 (New King James) But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles,They shall run and not be weary, hey shall walk and not faint.
Wait on the Lord! Let Him guide you and follow His rhythm! You will see great results in your life!!
Be Blessed Beautiful Women of God!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
God's Promises!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
- Biology. A profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.
- Any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.
A change in appearance, character and circumstances is what I am working on with God as my guide! These days have been of hard work for me because I am trying to loose weight and it has not been an easy task. God promised a complete change in my life a transformation and I believe it has to be in every aspect of my life.
For a women to feel complete it has to be in a balance physical, financial and spiritually way. When all these aspects are fulfilled all the rest flows well at least that is how I truly feel. I need to be in a good physical state of mind in a better health than I am at this moment to keep working on the other aspects of my life changing journey!
Necesito estar en perfecta armonía tanto físicamente, espiritualmente y financiera-mente. Para eso estoy trabajando duro para poder rebajar y completar mi transformación total. Se empieza con un paso a la vez luego se sigue el proceso de cambio.
Dios siempre tiene los mejores pensamientos para nuestras vidas esta en nosotras creerle a El y continuar!
God always has great plans for us, all we need to do is believe in Him and continue. So thus does my journey begin!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The first day!
God always has great plans for us we just choose the wrong path and the wrong crowd to be with!